Thursday, February 12, 2009

Malcolm X Ch. 1-6

During the whole story, Malcolm uses experiences he had to either expose the details of racial inequality or to show others how to deal with it. His tone shows that he has resentment for white people for their treatment of him and his family, and yet he caters to them and even dates a white woman for his livelihood and as a symbol of status. It shows how the world was really impossible to survive in at the time without getting along with whites, the dominant race. 

At one point, Malcolm shows how Black people were becoming experts at getting money out of the whites' pockets. He explains that, "white people are so obsessed with their own importance that they will pay liberally, even dearly, for the impression of being catered to and entertained" (Haley 78). He also says that Blacks were becoming expert psychologists of the White attitude, using their egos to get better tips. I found that interesting, since I've never thought about the situation like that. I'm sure no white people ever thought they were being taken advantage of, and always thought they were in a position of power, but Black people were actually faking their eagerness to serve, and White people unknowingly tipped better because of it. 

I also found it interesting how big of hypocrites white people were. They would treat Blacks like animals and openly discriminate against them, yet at night they flocked to Harlem to be around the Black "atmosphere." It's weird how they can be racist and admiring at the same time. 


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