Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Done With Catcher

I was kind of disappointed when I finished the book. Just when I thought something major was going to happen in the plot, nothing did. Holden went home and talked to Phoebe, then went to his perverted teacher's house to spend the night. He woke up with the guy petting his head, and ran out of the apartment. That was kind of funny, but I didn't see the point of having that happen. 
Then Holden tells Phoebe he's going to leave and move out west, and upsets her when he says she can't ago. Again, he doesn't actually go, and the book ends with Holden watching Phoebe on a carrousel. Holden then tells you he's not going to tell you about anything else. If a book is going to be about a character telling a story, the story should at least be exciting or funny or something. I felt like Holden just had an average story with very few exciting parts, and it didn't help that Holden always seemed bored also. It was a decent book overall. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

More Catcher

The 50 pages I just read were pretty boring. It was basically just his date with old Sally and then Holden's drunken depression in the middle of the night. Actually, it was readable around chapter 20 because I wondered how he'd get home and his phone call to Sally was funny. Other than the end, it just seemed like more of the same. More of him calling things phony and talking in detail about his surroundings. 
I realized during Holden's date with old Sally that he is actually out of his mind. Everyone keeps telling me how Holden seems awesome and like this kid who they would love if they knew him, but he just seems creepy to me. He's on a date with a girl he's been friends with, and randomly starts saying that  they should run away together, get married, live in a cabin, and all this other stuff. Then he gets upset when she doesn't want to right away. He's also obsessed with a weird hat and goes out alone late at night to drink scotch and coke by himself. That's a stalker in the making. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Pretty much I just read half of it. It's a pretty old book, but I thought it would be a lot more boring and outdated than it is. There are some phrases that no one would ever say nowadays, like "swell" or "she started jitterbugging", but you could still relate to the story and the characters. 

Holden Caulfield is an interesting character. I can't say I like everything about him because he's kind of creepy at times, but overall he doesn't seem like he'd be too annoying to hang out with. He likes to have a good time, but he seems kind of weird, calling up random people he's never met just so he can feel less alone while in NYC. 

I don't like Holden's roommate at Pencey, Stradlater. He seems like he'd be really selfish, like when he asked Holden to write a composition for him. I would have laughed in his face if he asked me. And the weird kid in the other room would probably drive me crazy, laying on my bed and clipping his toenails all over my floor. 

I definitely would hate being at a prep school like Pencey. I would feel trapped all the time and constantly just be wishing I was free. It's bad enough having school six or seven hours a day and about two hours of homework, sometimes more. Living at school would just make me cry. 

The biggest upside to the book so far is being able to see the similarities between being a kid in the past and in the present. It's not as different as I used to think. 

The book does have some uneventful parts, but overall I like it.